Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Oprah would make a good mormon :) haha. love this:

Be a queen. Dare to be different.
Be a pioneer. Be a leader.
Be the kind of woman who in the face of adversity
will continue to embrace life and walk fearlessly
toward the challenge.
Take it on! Be a truth seeker and rule your domain,
whatever it is--your home, your office, your family
with a loving heart.
Be a queen. Be tender.
Continue to give birth to new ideas
and rejoice in your womanhood. . .
My prayer is that we will stop wasting time
being mundane and mediocre. . .
We are daughters of God--here to teach
the world how to love. . .
It doesn't matter what you've been through,
where you come from, who your parents are
--nor your social or economic status.
None of that matters.
What matters is how you choose to love,
how you choose to express that love through your work,
through your family,
through what you have to give to the world. . .
Be a queen. Own your power and your glory!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I read this today in Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf. Im liking this book. its a tough read but i like her different style of writing, and the way it makes me think and see the world differently. Here is one example:

Clarissa once, going on top of an omnibus with him somewhere, Clarissa superficially at least, so easily moved, now in despair, now in the best of spirits, all aquiver in those days and such good company, spotting queer little scenes, names, people from the top of a bus,. . .--Clarissa had a theory in those days--they had heaps of theories, always theories, as young people have. It was to explain the feeling they had of dissatisfaction; not knowing people; not being known. For how could they know each other? You met every day; then not for six months, or years. It was unsatisfactory, they agreed, how little one knew people. But she said, sitting on the bus going up Shaftesbury Avenue, she felt herself everywhere; not "here, here, here"; and she tapped the back of the seat; but everywhere. She waved her hand, going up Shaftesbury Avenue. She was all that. So that to know her, or any one, one must seek out the people who completed them; even the places. Odd affinities she had with people she had never spoken to, some woman in the street, some man behind a counter--even trees, or barns. It ended in a transcendental theory which, with her horror of death, allowed her to believe, or say that she believed (for all her scepticism), that since our apparitions, the part of us which appears, are so momentary compared with the other, the unseen part of us, which spreads wide, the unseen might survive, be recovered somehow attached to this person or that,. . . perhaps--perhaps.

I love this idea. i had such a connection to it. i think in this way so much. and i have these odd connections with people i haven't even met, and i feel that sometimes my soul can take residence in a place or a moment. And im so grateful for my knowledge of The Plan and of eternity, and that, through the atonement our souls can "be recovered".

Monday, August 17, 2009


i have always been fascinated by time. its so incomprehensible. its so unworldly how time moves, how it can change pace from fast to slow, and how when you look at it from different angles (forward/backword etc.) it can change. its all about perception. well here is one way to look at time and i was blown away by it.

my brain is still trying to wrap itself around all of these things. that our world is connected by time, by events and by moments that are happening right now. everwhere or somewhere.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

"the power which adds the supreme flavour to existence,--the power of taking hold of experience, or turning it round, slowly, in the light."- Virginia Woolf Mrs. Dalloway
alone time. i like alone time, i need it. when i am just so overwhelmed or distraught and i need time to think i find a way to get some alone time, usually in the form of a walk, drive, or bike ride. the funny thing as that once i am finally alone with my thoughts and able to think things over.... thats when i dont think of anything. i just dont think. my mind literally just freezes. sometimes i try to break the ice to get to the core of my problems and work them out but my mind wont let me.. or i just dont want to face them. so i linger in this no-mans-land between the unconscious and cognitive thought where i flat-line and remain in oblivion. yet somehow this helps. its my own coping mechanism of just getting a piece of peace. where i dont have to be bothered by a multitude of thoughts and ideas buzzing around in my head. so from now on i will embrace these moments, i will no longer resist or try to make sense of them... i will just slip into my own little universe away from the world, away from my troubles and demands... and thats where i will remain with no trivial thoughts to bother me.

Monday, August 10, 2009


heroes. i love you. please come back. we were loyal. i hate the internet. i hate the scams. i hate that advertisements, false promotions, scams, and all sorts of life sucking leeches have free reign of our cyberspace universe.
bree. you are incapable of failure. its impossible. if you failed then the world would turn on its end in a topsy-turvey confusion. haha love you
alyse. you are getting hitched. im fine with it. "i cant wait until we are married" ha
two minutes. thanks itunes for coming through... you only asked for our virginity and our first born... haha

Sunday, August 2, 2009

knock yourself out haha

I read this the other day in a wonderful book that tawny gave me. It knocked my socks off.. haha seriously though. Not only was this passage a complete answer to prayer but it is so inspirational to me. The simplicity of this is outstanding. That literally all of these blessings can be attained by having the spirit with you. Having it live within you and manifest itself in these ways. This is everything that i want. its so simple. thats why i love this gospel so much.

In the words of Parley P. Pratt, we begin to grasp the powerful impact of the gift of the Holy Ghost in our lives. “It quickens all the intellectual faculties, increases, enlarges, expands, and purifies all the natural passions and affections and adapts them by the gift of wisdom to their lawful use. It inspires, develops, cultivates, and matures all the fine-toned sympathies, joys, tastes, kindred feelings, and affections of our nature. It inspires virtue, kindness, goodness, tenderness, gentleness, and charity. It develops beauty of person, form, and features. It tends to health, vigor, animation, and social feelings. It invigorates all the faculties of the physical and intellectual man. It strengthens and gives tone to the nerves. In short it is, as it were, marrow to the bone, joy to the heart, light to the eyes, music to the ears, and life to the whole being.”